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Boryeong Mud Festival, where you can have the time of your life

2015.07.02(목) 11:24:18 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

The 18th Boryeong Mud Festival

▲ The 18th Boryeong Mud Festival

The Boryeong Mud Festival is held for ten days from July 17, 2015 at Daecheon Beach in Boryeong-si, Chungcheongnam-do.

Said to attract the most foreigners among the festivals held in Korea, this festival is so popular that mud maniacs have emerged worldwide and various kinds of mass media have featured it.

The 136km-long beach in Boryeong-si contains mud that emits long-wave infra-red ray; it is also rich in germanium and bentonite, minerals that are good for skincare.

The mud quality here is said to be superior to that of the Dead Sea in Israel. Boryeong-si operates a mud pack house at Daecheon Beach.

Visitors can enjoy an array of activities, including mud massage, during the annual festival, which was first held in 1998.

Starting this year, main hands-on experience events like Mud Air-Bounce and Color Mud will be held in Mud Plaza, whereas the Family Zone and mini-performances will be at the Fountain Plaza and Citizens' Tower Plaza.

All events were held at Mud Plaza until last year. Diverse programs like Marine Corps-type arduous training at mudflats or mudflat marathon will be held during the festival. Event personnel will spray mud to participants using a special device to foster a pleasant atmosphere.

Why not come and mingle with others like mischievous boys and girls playing in mud? You will surely savor the added pleasant moment of washing your muddy body with seawater.

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