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A Representative Historic Cultural Festival in Korea with Soul of Baekje

2015.01.06(화) 09:54:08 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Baekje History and Culture Events matrix to reconstruct the history and culture of the Baekje era street festival

▲ Baekje History and Culture Events matrix to reconstruct the history and culture of the Baekje era street festival


The 60th Baekje Cultural Festival took place from September 26th through October 5th, 2014 under the theme of “Baekje Meets World.”

Gongju City and Buyeo County in Chungcheongnam-do hosted the Baekje Cultural Festival for 10 days and offered 106 different programs representing the Baekje dynasty’s unique history and culture.


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